Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Kinect - Fastest-Selling Consumer Electronics Device

The Guinness World Records, the global authority in breaking record confirmed the Xbox 360 of the Kinect as the Fastest-Selling Consumer Electronics Device. In its first 60 days from its release, it has already sold 133,333 copies per day. In two months it has sold more than 8 million Kinect units from November to January.

Xbox 360 that allows controller-free gaming sales has left the iPhone adn iPad which has both the same equivalent periods of launching. Gaz Deaves, Editor of Guinness World Records 2011 Gamer’s Edition, said: “The sales figures here speak for themselves. We can confirm that no other consumer electronics device sold faster within a 60-day time span, an incredible achievement considering the strength of the sector.”

The Guinness World Records will include the new record in its next Guinness World Records Gamer’s Edition which recognizes the record breaking achievement in the world of video games.

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