Sunday, July 10, 2011

Facebook introduces improved group chat, new design and video calls

Facebook is constantly working on new improvements to keep them in No. 1 place. After six months, Facebook has decided to introduce some new features.

First new feature is the new and improved Group Chat. Before, in order to chat with a group you need to create a group first but now, you just simply click the invite a friend button in the chat window. If any of the chat participants aren’t available at the moment, they will be given a summary of the chat log at a later time, when it’s over. The group can be easily formed and dissolved, which make it different from the current Group Chat.

Secondly, Facebook has decided to improve its design by adding a sidebar that holds the list of most frequently contacted friends.

And lastly, the partnership of Skype with Facebook results to the addition of Video Calling which is the most requested feature. In order to call a friend, simply go to your friend's profile or from your chat list. You'll need a special plugin in order to use this new feature. First time users will have to download a small plugin for it to work, after the set up stage and initial call, they will just simply click the "answer call" from then on. You don't need an external application or registration for Skype to use the Video Call.

Latest fact: Facebook has hit a new high of 750 million users

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