Sunday, December 22, 2013

Garrison Bespoke: Bulletproof Business Suit

The Garrison Bespoke is a Canadian tailor that released their latest product which is a bulletproof business suit. 

Despite the rampant availability of the bulletproof to the public, this one offers the casual clothing. To prove the suit's durability, the company employees were encouraged to stab the co-owner Michael Nguyen with a hunting knife. It is a three piece suit to protect the person with knife or 9mm bullets fired at close range. The suit was inspired after one of their client was shot on the job abroad according to the spokesman David Tran.
The Garrison's bulletproof suit is made up of several sheets of carbon nanotube fabric in its lining, manufactured by the company that makes the personal armor of the US Army Special Forces. This sheets are thinner, more flexible than Kevlar, it weigh less and are resistant to damage because it can only be cut using a bandsaw.

This suit is one of a kind and would cost $20,000.

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